Aziraphale was cleaning the outside of her barn and had just entered to survey the damage when somebody knocked on the door.
She turned to see, Crowley,her neighbour at the door.
"Crowley! What's goin'on dear?"
"Heard your roof caved angel, I'm here to help."
Aziraphale loved Crowley. She had helped her raise some of the animals and mend the barn a couple times.
She also was a damn fine an' serious woman who was a cute thing sometimes.
"Welp i'd appreciate it dear. Can you get me the barrow,sweetheart, you know where it is?"
Aziraphale's tongue rolled with the southerness but also could not helped the endearments. It was a hand me down from her grandma and Crowley specifically brought it out more than usual.
Crowley blushed and nodded.
She left, her long curls flyin' behin' her.
Aziraphale looked at the hole in the ceiling.
The damn storm wind carried a rock to the center of the roof and banged it on it till it broke the wood.
Aziraphale sighed and went to clean the rubble. She takes the broken wood and with a hammer from her belt takes out the nails and stashes them in her belt.
She orders them in wood, metal and dust.
She sweeps the radius until she is certain everything is clean, leaving the spots where her animals lie almost untouched when she had to keep them there.
When she looked back from her cleaning, Crowley had already gathered all the wood by herself and was taking them outside.
'Oops got fixated again' she said internally.
"Crowley dear I'll keep 'em as firewood don't throw em away."
"Of course angel just getting them outta the way."
Now to fix the roof. Aziraphale had made a couple plaques after everyone at the barn-raising told her to. She had them stashed in her pantry for years now.
"Crowley darlin' can you bring the ladder?" She said as she speedwalked to her house.
"Yer fixing it now angel?"
"Yeah, it's said to rain again".
The plaques were 3 inches thick and 16x16. She took one and dragged it outside.
Crowley had put the ladder in the side of the barn.
"Alrighty dear help me carry it up. " Aziraphale went up the ladder first holding on the plaque as most as she could and thankfully Crowley steadied it and pushed it up the remaining distance.
"Oh Crowley I'm going to need the saw to cut it a little bit."
"Cut it on the ground angel, not on the roof."
"Let it fall?" Crowley suggested.
"It might break. But it took us an hour to get it up here. Okay listen, I have an extension cord in the second cupboard in the kitchen and there's an outlet outside of the house. Can you get it for me?"
"Yes angel anything for you".
Aziraphale blushed.
"She's just the cutest, isn't she?" she told a bird that had nested on the precipice of her barn.
Crowley quickly connects the extension and passes it to Aziraphale. She takes the saw powertool out of her belt and plugs it in.
She cuts a square slowly and methodically so she doesn't fuck up.
Crowley joined her and sat on the ladder watching her.
The cut is so precise that even Aziraphale would call it a miracle.
She takes the nails she pulled and straightens them.
And uses them to secure the new wood over the hole.
Six nails later she wipes her brow and smiled at Crowley.
"Done, thank you dear do you want coffee? Some lunch?"
"Coffee would be great angel, no lunch though."
"Oh you skinny little thing I'll get you fat one o' these days."
Crowley laughed and took the unplugged powertool from her hands and the extension cord and brought them down.
She then helped Aziraphale lower the rest of the wood she didn't use.
They dropped it but thankfull it didn't shatter.
Aziraphale closed the barn doors and power walked back in her house, dragging Crowley with her.
"Sit my dear." Aziraphale made coffee and brought everything eatable in her house on the table.
"Do you want anythin' dear? A little sandwich? A little lunch? I've potato stew today. You have to eat something."
"God damn angel, I can't,umm I'll eat some of this" and she gathers some cut cucumbers, tomatoes and cheese on her plate.
"I'll just give you some stew as well."
"No,no angel please."
"Sweetheart you gotta eat, you don't eat anything."
"I'm eating!" And she ate everything so fast.
Aziraphale equally fast pulled a plate and served her potato stew freshly made that morning.
"Oh but I made so much, and I can't possibly eat it all by myself."
Aziraphale pouted and Crowley gripped the tablecloth and her lips in her teeth.
"Got anything else you need help with?" Crowley said looking away from her.
"No. You've great help, by myself it would've taken days to get that plaque on the roof. I woun't ever think of a pulley until day 2."
Aziraphale rocked back and forth, a finger on her chin as she spoke and Crowley sneaked a glance at her.
Aziraphale smiled at her.
Crowley became even redder than before and hid her eyes, covering them with her palm.
Aziraphale graduated university with a million love letters in a wooden box so she was not stupid, Crowley was attracted to her.
The problem was she was attracted to her back.
She was a hot piece of ass and so kind to her. The kindness was so attractive to her she loved giving Crowley services.
"Baah" something said outside and Aziraphale got up from the table and checked the window.
She had two goats, two sheep and chickens. She had a little station in the barn to cure the milks into yogurt and cheese. And she loved the animals.
She didn't see anything from the window so she said "one sec" and opened the kitchen door.
Her grey goat was bleating at her.
"Yeah dear what's up?"
The goat passed the threshold and nuzzled her apron. Then stepped back and walked away. She followed.
The sheep she let out as she cleaned had toppled over the wheel burrow and all the wood fell.
She pets the goat.
"Thanks fir tellin' me sweetie. Where's your sis?"
"Baah" it calls once and another goat joins them coming from behind the outer storage shed.
"There you are darlin'" she scratches the black goat under the chin. The black goat bumps her.
"Aww" she says to them, "aww aww it's okay".
Aziraphale whistles and the sheep peer from the fence they're scratching on.
The chicken coop is clucking quietly.
She had to round up the sheep but since they were behaving she decided to leave 'em a bit to roam. The neighbours knew who they belonged to anyway.
The goats follow her back home and Crowley's eyes soften as the goats lay down her feet. And then immediately start jumping around.
"Y'all know where to go" she usts them and they head to a play pen, jumping inside.
Aziraphale rested her elbow on the table and cupped her cheek looking at Crowley who watched the goats climb over the furniture Aziraphale had for them.
"Feisty little guys aren't they?"
Crowley stared at Aziraphale's eyes and Aziraphale did not mind.
In fact her shirt was terribly tight. She should open it and let her breasts flow out to relax.
She pops a button and sighs.
Crowley grips the tablecloth again.
"Sweetie," Aziraphale starts reaching for Crowley's hand and succeeding.
She also caresses Crowley's ankle with her shoe.
Crowley doesn't make a run for it which is brave of her but her mouth is trembling and her eye level is dropping lower and lower.
"Angel what are you doing?"
She pops another button and Crowley's neck veins get more visible.
"Crowley, wanna fuck?"
"NO! YES! NO!, nnnghhk fuckin shityshit"
"Calm down dear. Breathe with me."
Aziraphale rubbed Crowley's hand as she calmed down.
"I lo-like you sweetheart. You're so helpful to me and a good neighbour. I've got to repay you back." She let her voice go sultry at the end.
"I ain't doing this for pay Angel." She choked out.
"Then what are you doin' it fir dear?" She goads.
"I help peeps angel, you've heard."
"I h've dear"
"Well you kinda needed the most help. So I help you a lot."
"No other reason pumpkin?" She rubs the hand again.
"Ngk maybe I like you a little bit too. You are the only one who..."
Crowley doesn't finish the sentence but that's okay.
Aziraphale wants her so badly.
"Please Crowley, can we?"
"Mmmmm" she says stiff as a board.
Aziraphale gets up and Crowley gets up with her.
She edges closer to her and raises her hands in surrender.
"Just wait dear."
She gives Crowley a little kiss on the cheek and strokes her arm. She moves backwards but Aziraphale holds her arm.
She gives her another small kiss.
"There's my interest, the dam burst now, sweetheart".
Aziraphale felt relief at expressing her interest.
She wasn't sure how Crowley felt. She looked like she was gearing up to rush outside or...
Crowley pulls her arm from Aziraphale's grasp and Aziraphale almost pouts when two spindly hands grab her face and pull her into a kiss.
That's better. That's much better.
Aziraphale does her signature move and wraps her arms around Crowley's neck, standing on her tippy toes.
Crowley does the same messing up Aziraphale's ponytail and pushing a strap of her overalls to fall.
Aziraphale breaks the kiss and kneels down looking at her from above, a flush rising to her face.
She shows her two fingers and then licking the middle of them.
Crowley nods but takes her hand and lifts her up. She kisses her again.
Aziraphale not deterred cups her and starts rubbing.
Crowley's body flails like a marionette.
Maybe she's not into it.
"I should stop, shouldn't I?"
Aziraphale removes her hand and Crowley yells "No!" And grabs her hand to keep it where it was.
She then pushes Aziraphale against the wall and kisses her gently.
"Stay,oh my god, keep doing this to me"
She rubbed herself on Aziraphale's palm.
"Well," Aziraphale said popping Crowley's overall straps off and letting it fall down her thin frame revealing her gouch stained breeches.
Aziraphale kneels and pulls them down.
"Dear me, sweetheart." She says the electrons bouncing on her skin.
She closes her eyes and gives the top of the slit a kiss.
Her tongue slides right after.
Crowley's knees wobble but she stays standing.
Aziraphale could taste the acid but she was not deterred. Sweetness would come right after like a sour candy.
Aziraphale moaned showing Crowley that she wanted her to do the same. She stayed still until a weak little moan broke out of her.
Aziraphale licks. And blue eyes lock with yellowish brown.
"Enjoy it hon. Give me all of you."
And she started eating her. A lick and then a suck. A lick and a suck. A lick and a suck.
Crowley seemingly unaffected watched her with her hand covering her mouth and another squeezing Aziraphale shoulder. But then at the third lick she moaned and stretched her neck hitting her head to the wall.
Her hips started to twitch. She unconsciously massages her cleavage grabbing a tit in her hand.
Her white crop top is in the way so she shoves her hand up it to touch her braless nipple.
Frustrated yowls unanchored from her insides. Her legs open and Aziraphale gets in deeper.
She has access to her clit and gives it a few sucks making Crowley climb backwards up the wall and Aziraphale being the strongwoman that she is just casually lifted her to sit on her mouth, Crowley's legs a foot off the ground.
"Azir- Aaaangel"
She pretended she didn't listen and kept going.
Fingers slid upwards from her thigh and entered without fanfare to join her tongue. She rubbed on the ducts and then headed to her cunt.
Little spurts peppered her face as she brought her more towards her climax.
She relented a bit and let her down on the floor to take a breath. She removed everything from inside her.
She looked at the gorgeous thing's curly long hair spill around her like dyed wool.
Her cunt was twitching for more.
"More sweetheart?"
"Huh?" She looked into her blue eyes.
"More?" And she massages her right thigh.
Crowley seemed to trying to catch her breath so Aziraphale let her.
She pops open her overalls and pulls them off.
She can feel the result of her two orgasms that she had.
She goes commando so she's ready when Crowley gets some brain activity to see her sitting daintily next to her, hand between thighs and low breathing.
"Hi darling ugh good spot" she said as she rubbed faster.
"Do you want more dear?" She asks Crowley.
Crowley says nothing but pulls out the hand and puts her own in it's place.
She splays the fingers as far as they go in the lips and then join them again in a duck's beak shape and massages all of the length.
"Oh dear, " Aziraphale falls and opens up completely to a demon who took over her body for her.
Every inch of her was played with.
Her body was dancing to the rhythm Crowley made it.
She comes again shouting it out of her.
"God darlin' " she says sitting on her floor and the goats are debating whether to intervene or not.
"You- Angel." she replies.
"Stay?" The angel says stealing another kiss.
"We'll merge our properties. I'm gonna.." she says looking far away and plotting the future.
"Before that. Bath. Please."
"Anything for you my angel."